NN07 - NYC Flagship Store

The great folks at Reiters-Wings asked us to develop a unique tile for the flagship store of Danish clothing brand NN.07. The design stays true to the signature style of previous stores, but introduced new materials like our custom blue tiles. The tile design is inspired by an old cobalt-glazed Danish tile found on-site. Drawing inspiration from these historical tiles, we created a distinctive blend of effect glazes that produce a stunning contrast. The oxidation effect resembles an almost molten metal structure, which adds brightness to the tiles and gives the entire store an extra dimension.

NN07 - NYC Flagship store
Custom blend
Marble Light
Tim Reiters — Founder of Reiters-Wings

Together with the team at Palet, we developed the perfect glaze and pattern that fits the brand identity of NN.07. We now apply these custom tiles in all the designs we make for the store interiors of this Scandinavian clothing brand.

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